Virginia Beach Schools of the Future

At-A-Glance Flyer - Updated June 13th, 2023
June 7th, 2023 - Conceptual Design - Planning Advisory Team
The Bayside High School Planning Advisory Team got together one last time before summer break to review the updated conceptual design drawings for a new Bayside High School facility. The group reviewed the different building and parking options, discussed how to effectively separate Learning Communities from common-use areas, and considered a variety of ways to connect with the outdoors (outdoor learning environments, exterior dining, vegetated roof, etc.).
Bayside High School
June 7th, 2023 - Conceptual Design - Planning Advisory Team
The Bettie F Williams and Bayside 6th Grade Campus Planning Advisory Team got together for one last time before summer break on June 7th. The group reviewed the conceptual design options developed thus far and spent a lot of time discussing how to integrate the schools while keeping the different programs distinct from one another.
Bettie F Williams and Bayside 6th Grade Campus
May 10th and 11th, 2023 - High School Educational Specification - Planning Advisory Team
At this week's high school educational specification meeting, the Planning Advisory Teams for Bayside High School and Princess Anne High School got together separately to discuss potential space allocations in the new schools. The group participated in a 'puzzle piece' activity, in which they came up with potential layouts and pathways for the new schools with a focus on the learner's everyday experience in the space.
Bayside High School and Princess Anne High School
May 3rd, 2023 - Educational Specification - Public Community Meeting
Over 20 people from various stakeholder groups and the local community, including students and parents, school administration and staff, School Board members, community organizations and civic leagues attended tonight's meeting. Amy Yurko from BrainSpaces facilitated the discussion on a division-wide standard Educational Specification for all high schools. We heard a lot of feedback on the importance of parking and traffic flow, as well as the flexibility of all the proposed new spaces.
Bayside High School and Princess Anne High School
Bettie F Williams and Bayside 6th Grade Campus
May 1st, 2023 - Educational Specification - Public Community Meeting
At tonight's first Public Meeting, stakeholders and community members discussed their ideas and vision for what a new, combined Bettie F Williams and Bayside 6th Grade campus could look like. As part of the educational specification development, the group discussed unique elements between each school and what potential space program elements could be shared. Amy Yurko from BrainSpaces facilitated the group activities and discussion.
May 10th, 2023 - Educational Specification - Planning Advisory Team
On May 10th, the Planning Advisory Team for BFWES and Bayside 6th Grade joined our team to discuss potential space layouts for the new school campus. The focus of the activity and discussion was on space allocations and adjacencies for various program elements. The team came up with creative ideas for how to organize the spaces!
Bettie F Williams and Bayside 6th Grade Campus
May 24th, 2023 - Conceptual Design - Planning Advisory Team
At today's first Conceptual Design meeting, the Bayside High School Planning Advisory Team reviewed preliminary designs for the new BHS. The group looked at the existing site and discussed how existing site conditions and layout factored into the initial design concept options. The group provided feedback to the RRMM design team on what they liked and didn't like on each of the potential drawing options.
Bayside High School
May 24th, 2023 - Conceptual Design - Planning Advisory Team
The Planning Advisory Team for BFWES and B6 got together today to review initial conceptual designs for the new combined campus. During the group activity, the team was able to provide input on the layouts and space allocations for the Design Team to incorporate into future concept iterations.
Bettie F Williams and Bayside 6th Grade Campus

May 25th, 2023 - Conceptual Design - Planning Advisory Team
At today's meeting, the PAHS Planning Advisory Team reviewed initial design concepts for a new PAHS. The team reviewed existing site conditions and how the site, layout and proximity to Town Center factored into the initial designs. The insights provided from the team will help inform the future iterations of the new school's designs and will be incorporated for review and discussion in the next round of conceptual design meetings with the Planning Advisory Team!
Princess Anne High School

May 30th, 2023 - Conceptual Design - Public Community Meeting
At tonight's public meeting, members of the BFWES and Bayside 6 community came together to review initial conceptual designs for the combined campus and provided input on the options developed so far.
Bettie F Williams and Bayside 6th Grade Campus

May 31st, 2023 - Conceptual Design - Public Community Meeting
The Bayside High School community got together on May 31st to review preliminary conceptual designs for a new BHS. The community was able to provide input on what they like and don't like about the proposed elements in each design concept through group activity and discussion facilitated by the Design team.
Bayside High School
June 1st, 2023 - Conceptual Design - Public Community Meeting
The PAHS community got together today to review and provide input on preliminary design concepts for the new PAHS building. The design team was lucky to get feedback from many important stakeholder groups and local community members, including the PAHS Marching Band!
Princess Anne High School
October 26th, 2023 - Schematic Design - Public Community
In tonight's meeting, the Design Team presented the Schematic Design for the preferred concept, which was selected by the Planning Advisory Team & the public in previous meetings. This Schematic Design included updated site plans, detailed floor plans, and draft building renderings. After presenting the design, the group broke out into groups to review the plans and provide feedback for further improvements as the schematic design progresses.
Bayside High School
June 8th, 2023 - Conceptual Design - Planning Advisory Team
The PAHS Planning Advisory Team got together on June 8th to review the three updated conceptual design drawings that incorporate all the feedback heard through the process thus far. The design team got some helpful feedback on how to improve site circulation to reduce traffic, discussed how to integrate the Special Education center with the rest of the program spaces, and heard about the desire for an "iconic" urban design. The design team will be working hard to incorporate all the feedback and themes into the next round of drawings for review at the end of summer!
Princess Anne High School
September 6th, 2023 - Conceptual Design - Planning Advisory Team
The Design Team was busy this summer working on the conceptual design plan updates to incorporate the feedback from the June meetings. This week, the Planning Advisory team was able to review the 3 updated concepts and vote on the "Preferred Concept" that the Design Team will move forward with for schematic design. The team received positive feedback on all the options, but the "Embrace" concept was the clear winner with 72 out of 85 votes!
After taking a vote, the Embrace concept was reviewed in detail in breakout groups. Additional feedback was provided for further exploration in the next design iteration.
Bettie F Williams and Bayside 6th Grade Campus
September 6th, 2023 - Conceptual Design - Planning Advisory Team
At today's meeting, the Design Team showed the Bayside High School Planning Advisory Team the three updated conceptual designs that they'd been working on this summer. Each of these concepts incorporated the feedback from the June conceptual design meetings. After reviewing the updates, the Planning Advisory team voted on their preferred design and selected "Concept 1" (which had 70 votes!).
Concept 1 was then discussed in breakout groups so that additional feedback could be shared with the Design Team before they take the drawings to Schematic Design.
Bayside High School
September 7th, 2023 - Conceptual Design - Planning Advisory Team
At today's meeting, the Design Team presented the Princess Anne School Planning Advisory Team the three updated conceptual designs that they've been working on since the June meetings. After reviewing the updates, the Planning Advisory team voted on their preferred design and selected the "Main Street" concept which received 114 votes!
The Main Street concept was then discussed in breakout groups so that additional feedback could be shared with the Design Team before they take the drawings to Schematic Design.
Princess Anne High School
September 11th, 2023 - Conceptual Design - Public Community
At today's meeting, the Design Team presented to the public each of the three updated conceptual designs that were refined and further developed over the summer. The Design Team spent additional time discussing "Concept 1" which was the Planning Advisory Committee's preferred concept in the September 6th meeting. In breakout groups, the community gave feedback on the design to be incorporated in the updates for Schematic Design.
We even had the local news in attendance!
Bayside High School
September 13th, 2023 - Conceptual Design - Public Community
At today's meeting, the Design Team presented to the public each of the three updated conceptual designs that were refined and further developed over the summer. The Design Team then broke out into small groups to discuss the "Main Street" concept, which was voted the Planning Advisory Committee's preferred concept during the September 7th meeting.
The feedback elicited from the group during the meeting will be taken into consideration by the design team as they make further updates and design developments during Schematic Design!
Princess Anne High School
September 14th, 2023 - Conceptual Design - Public Community
At today's meeting, the Design Team showed the public the 3 conceptual designs for the new BFW and Bayside 6th Grade Campus, and highlighted all of the changes made over the summer. The group then broke into smaller groups to discuss the "Embrace" concept specifically, which was voted the Planning Advisory Committee's preferred concept during the September 6th meeting.
The Design Team is now working hard to make edits based on all of the continued feedback to included in the updated plans during Schematic Design!
Bettie F Williams and Bayside 6th Grade Campus
October 18th, 2023 - Schematic Design - Planning Advisory Team
The Planning Advisory Team got together today to review the Schematic Design for the new Bayside High School. The Schematic Design included updated site plans & detailed floor plans based on feedback from the September 6th session. Some of the major features discussed were the location of the Special Education suite, areas to add fencing, the location of the culinary lab and media center, and amphitheater-style seating in the outdoor classroom space.
The feedback from the Planning Advisory team will be reviewed and incorporated as design continues to develop.
Bayside High School
October 19th, 2023 - Schematic Design - Planning Advisory Team
The Planning Advisory Team got together today to review the Schematic Design for Princess Anne High School. The Schematic Design included updated site plans & detailed floor plans based on feedback from the September sessions for the preferred concept, "Main Street". Some of the major features discussed were creating a more "iconic" entry, adding green roofs on the second and third floors, and adding flex space areas for one-lunch seating and small group/individual work throughout the building. The Design Team also presented draft building renderings for the first time!
The feedback from the Planning Advisory team will be reviewed and incorporated as design continues to develop the Main Street concept.
Princess Anne High School
October 23rd, 2023 - Schematic Design - Public Community
In tonight's meeting, the Design Team presented the Schematic Design for the "Embrace" concept, which was voted the preferred concept by the Planning Advisory Team & the public in previous meetings. This Schematic Design included updated site plans, detailed floor plans, and draft building renderings. After presenting the design, the group broke out into groups to review the plans and provide feedback for further improvements as the schematic design progresses.
Bettie F. Williams and Bayside 6th Grade
October 25th, 2023 - Schematic Design - Public Community
In tonight's meeting, the Design Team presented the Schematic Design for the "Main Street" concept, which was voted the preferred concept by the Planning Advisory Team & the public in previous meetings. This Schematic Design included updated site plans, detailed floor plans, and draft building renderings. After presenting the design, the group broke out into groups to review the plans and provide feedback for further improvements as the schematic design progresses. We even heard from the Princess Anne Crew club about how the site plan could suit their needs!